Cloud Deployment Model? 4 Types with Examples

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  • Private cloud
  • Community cloud
  • Public cloud
  • Hybrid cloud
Private cloud - allows services to be reached within an organization. At the same time, its personal nature provides more secure systems.

Many corporate IT environments can now be considered as private clouds because they support specific tasks for a single client and for the same customer, which are important for the success of a line of business.

Community Cloud - This cloud provides environment and services to be accessible by a group of organizations.

In a community cloud model, more than one group of common and specific needs share the cloud infrastructure, with strong security requirements such as the U.S. For federal agency cloud or privacy issues regulatory and policy-related requirements may include health and medical cloud. There is no mandate for infrastructure to become a base or off-site for qualifying as a community cloud.

Public cloud - This system and services allow the general public to be easily accessible, but due to its openness, perhaps less secure, e.g., e-mail

The public cloud deployment model is often considered as cloud, in which it is the majority capable and is shared by many customers/consumers, who have nothing in common. Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, and Google, but some, all public cloud services offered for the name

Hybrid Cloud - A hybrid cloud deployment is a combination of two or more deployment models with only one management framework, so that the environment is seen as a cloud, usually for purposes of "cloud-piercing" or "forced" Demand for a hybrid cloud solution in the environment is expected where strong requirements for safety and regulatory compliance exist with the requirements for value and performance.

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