What is Salesforce? Services, Application in Cloud Computing


What is Salesforce

We are writing about Salesforce, It is #1 innovative Software Company in the IT world. It served CRM software through cloud computing services that provide Sales, Marketing, Automation, Partnership and Business Management application. Salesforce.com is a cloud computing SaaS(Software as a Service) provider based company established in 1999 in San Fransisco. Salesforce large amount of revenue comes from the CRM.

Salesforce Services and Application

CRM(Customer Relationship Management): Salesforce Salesforce is the best automation CRM software company its software provides automatic email sent, alert etc, that can be used in various fields like business, medical etc. due to its cloud nature forget about hosting related issues now, enjoy salesforce cloud platform. 

You only pay for actual use, yes salesforce charges depends on pay-per-use and pay-per-user. 

Small Business and Marketing:

1. Email, Mobile and Web Marketing- Email sending, mobile and web marketing all handle by Salesforce CRM.
2. Social Media Marketing- Social media optimization and marketing also are done by CRM.
3. Advertising- Advertisements is managed by this application. In past, we are using a different platform for advertising.
4. B2B Marketing Automation- Buyer to Buyer marketing is very simple on this platform.
5. SEO(Search Engine Optimization)- Every web developer and a small business person needs a webmaster or SEO Executive for Management and Ranking. But if you are using this service, then you don't need any other webmasters.

Developers: Salesforce developers work on Application Life Cycle Management for creating an application in Salesforce platform. This is a process for managing application from Starting to Ending.

Technologies for developers are
1. Apex
2. VisualForce


  1. Thanks For providing the importance of CRM. Great to hear that even SEO executives can also use CRM for checking ranking and many purpose.
    Cloud Corporate Training


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